Who do I talk to about…
General inquiries about DUES can be directed to the DUES VP Internal via email (vpinternal@daleng.ca) or during their office hours. Other inquiries or concerns can be directed to the DUES President via email (president@daleng.ca) during their office hours.
Grants & Funding
Individuals or student groups can apply for DUES grants or SEEF funding by filling out the forms on daleng.ca. If you have questions about DUES grants and/or funding please contact the DUES VP Finance via email (vpfinace@daleng.ca) or visit them during their office hours. If you have questions about SEEF funding please contact the DUES SEEF Chair via email.
Conferences & Design Competitions
Dal Eng student involvement in conferences & design competitions is organized and managed by the DUES VP External. If you have questions about applying to be a delegate or being involved in organizing committees please send an email (vpexternal@daleng.ca) or visit them during their office hours.
Communications & Information Sharing
If you have information that you would like shared on DUES social media please contact the DUES VP Communications via email (vpcomm@daleng.ca) or send the post via DM to @dal_eng on Instagram. Please include when you'd like it shared and any relevant content (i.e. links, caption, etc...)
If you have questions about DUES events or would like to collaborate on an event with DUES please connect with the DUES VP Social via email (vpsocial@daleng.ca) or visit them during their office hours.
Opportunities & Outreach
If you have questions or proposals for DUES outreach or charity, please contact the DUES VP Outreach via email (vpoutreach@daleng.ca) or visit them during their office hours. If you know of volunteer opportunities you would like to share, please contact the DUES Volunteering Coordinator via email (dues.volunteer@gmail.com).
Academic Concerns
Academic concerns regarding classes should first be brought to your class representative. If the issue needs to be escalated the class representative should contact the DUES VP Academic via email (vpacademic@daleng.ca) or speak to them during office hours.
Other Contacts
For questions oriented towards getting a tutor or inquiries into becoming one.
Email: duestutoring@gmail.com
Is there something you have questions about within the website? Have you found something that needs updating?
Email: it@daleng.ca
For questions regarding all things Yearbook.
Email: dues.yearbook@gmail.com
Questions about getting involved more in volunteering efforts? Have you found a volunteering opportunity that you want to share with us?
Email: dues.volunteer@gmail.com
Questions about equity, diversity, inclusion and/or accessibility at Dalhousie University, specifically within DUES?
Email: president@daleng.ca
Questions directed towards the Dalhousie Student Union?
Email: dsusxtn@dal.ca
Questions about the next ESC meeting or wanting to make a suggestion?
Email: it@daleng.ca
Have a question regarding Dal Denim that you can’t seem to find the answer to online?
Email: dalhousiedenim@gmail.com