The DUES budget for each term shall include an allocation for grants, which shall be proposed by the VP Finance for the term and approved at the AGM for the term. When the Grants budget is exhausted, only Constituent Society grants may be considered to be allotted from funds budgeted for Constituent Funding. When exhausted, Group Grants and Personal Grants will no longer be approved for the remainder of the term. Members of the Council are obligated to bring forth any concerns and/or grant application discrepancies

Grant Application Process

Members are to adhere to the following process for grant applications. All grants shall be distributed on a first come, first serve basis. Incomplete forms will not be considered.

  1. Complete a standard DUES Grant application forms (Personal or Group) in the above linked Google Forms;

  2. Submit the completed application form prior to the council meeting at which the grant will be decided upon;

  3. Pick up the grant cheque not more than one month after the end of the term in which the grant was approved.


Grants Request: Usage & Descriptions

    1. To fund events which promote awareness with the purpose of educating the student body or the public.

    2. To fund events which promote interdisciplinary cohesiveness or cohesiveness within any one discipline

    3. To fund charity events put on by a Constituent Society or Group affiliated with the DUES or one of its Constituent societies.

    1. To fund activities that contravene any legal statute, DSU by-laws, the Constitution of the DSU or the Dalhousie University Alcohol Policy;

    2. To fund tuition or other education-related expenses at Dalhousie University, including its affiliated or collaborative programs


Descriptions for Personal,
Constituents & Groups Group Grants

  • Personal grants are to be given to an active member. No more than one Personal Grant shall be granted to any one member per semester. A Personal Grant shall not exceed $50.00, and no more than $150.00 in personal grants shall be allocated for a single event. The $150 limit for a single event does not apply at the final ESC meeting if funds remain.

    Grants for conferences or competitions must be applied for individually but a bulk cheque for the cumulative amount of related personal grants may be issued to the affiliated group for administrative purposes. Each applicant must fill out a personal grant form.

  • Group grants may be given to a group recognized to be affiliated with DUES, Engineering at Sexton Campus or one or more Constituent Societies. The amount of this grant shall not exceed 6% of the total budgeted amount for group grants every semester. There may only be one group grant per event. If funds remain at the final ESC meeting the limit of one group grant per event does not apply.

    Groups are limited to one grant per academic year unless funds are available at the final meeting of the academic year. Priority will still be given to groups that have not yet received a grant. Groups are required to fill out a group grant application form as found in Appendix A – Forms and available on in the forms section.