DUES Equity Mission

Dalhousie Undergraduate Engineering Society (DUES) is committed to expanding diversity, promoting inclusion and creating an environment in which all students can thrive.


What Is


Engineering is a profession that strives to improve the quality of life for all of society.

In addition, all people need to be represented in the field equally no matter what discipline they are in.


Indigenous Resources

June is National Indigenous History Month and Pride Month in Canada!  

Before settler colonialism in Canada, many Indigenous groups believed an individual could embody both feminine and masculine spirits. These individuals were held in high regard. In 1990, the term “Two-Spirit” was coined. “Two-Spirit” may be used by an Indigenous person who identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit. Unfortunately, homophobia and transphobia are entrenched in Canadian history, and continues to cause pain, violence, and exclusion for Two-Spirited People both inside and outside their Indigenous communities. In 2019 the University of Winnipeg launched the first Two-Spirit archives in Canada. Guided by the Two-Spirit Archives Advisory Council, it is a rich collection of Two-Spirit material and resources that will continue to expand. This work is essential. As allies, it is our responsibility to stay educated and intervene when we witness offensive behavior and language. To our Two-Spirited community: We hear you. We see you. We celebrate you. We stand with you.




Free course from U of Alberta:
Indigenous Canada



Canadian Pride History & TimeLine Resources

TimeLine Resource

Equality for All Report




Dalhousie Human Rights & Equity | Services: LGBTQ2SIA+ Collaborative

Website: Click Here for the Link

Email: HRES@dal.ca

Phone Number: 902-494-6672


MacDonald Building, 4th floor | 6300 Coburg Road | Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2


EngiQueers Canada

Nova Scotia Health: prideHealth

Website: Click Here for the Link

Email: prideHealth@nshealth.ca

Phone Number: 902-487-0470

Additional Resources:

NS Health Resource Library: Click Here for the Link


The Youth Project

Website: https://youthproject.ns.ca/

Email: carmel@youthproject.ns.ca

Phone Number: 902-429-5429

Social Media:

Instagram: @nsyouthproject

X (Twitter): @youthproject_ns

Facebook: @TheYouthProject


2281 Brunswick Street | Halifax, Nova Scotia | B3K 2Y9

Venus Envy

Website: https://venusenvy.ca/

Email: halifax@venusenvy.ca

Phone Number: 902-422-0004

Social Media:

Instagram: @venusenvyhfx

X (Twitter): @VenusEnvyHfx

Facebook: @venusenvyhfx


1598 Barrington Street | Halifax, Nova Scotia |B3J 1Z6

South House

Website: https://southhousehalifax.org/

Email: outreach@southhousehalifax.ca

Phone Number: 902-494-2432

Social Media:

Instagram: @southhousehalifax

X (Twitter): @southhousehali

Facebook: @southhousehalifax


1443 Seymour Street | Halifax, Nova Scotia | B3H 3M6